Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress is defined to be “simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium.” Some positivists claim that stress is just formed in the mind and that we wouldn’t be stressed if we do not give into the idea of it. It might actually work, see, if you begin convincing yourself that you can do something and not waste energy stressing over it, then you’re doing yourself a favor. Mindset.


stopCALM YOURSELF. FIND THAT INNER PEACE. Panicking over the initial impact of stress would not solve anything. Before you begin stressing over something, ask yourself “Have I adequately prepared for it?” If yes, then what are you stressing about? If you answered no, ask yourself next, “Can I do something about it?” If yes, then why are you stressing about it? If no, then you better get moving. 

flexibleBE FLEXIBLE WITH CHANGES AND SURPRISES.They are inevitable. You cannot run away with changes in the plans or in what you have prepared for. You have to be always in your a-game and eager to adapt.

planPRIORITIES. Sometimes, you get overwhelmed with work and you want to prove yourself. In return, you fail to give your fullest and best work with the task at hand AND you get stressed if you can’t accomplish everything. You get stressed with the queued activities. Learn to say “no”. Negotiate priorities. Take Superman, he can’t be Superman and Clark Kent at the same time, Batman cannot be Batman and Bruce at the same time.

Prevention is the best cure.There are a lot of ways to deal with stress management, take classes, divert your energy into other things, workout, socialize, and a lot of other things. You wouldn’t be stressed if you don’t expose yourself to potential stress inducers. But once you get face to face with stress, deal with it, overcome it, survive it, and win against it.

5 Essential Benefits of Travelling

5 Essential Benefits of Travelling

To travel is to be in a journey. It is when you immerse yourself into a culture that is different from yours or the culture you were used to. You get to talk to locals, eat different food, buy items that originate from the locality, and make new friends.  Here are some traits of people who experienced travelling abroad.



Going away from home increases self-confidence. Getting out of your comfort zone teaches you how you can always learn not only about yourself, but also from everyone and everything around you.



Since travelling requires you to talk to other nationalities, people who travelled are able to converse on a variety of topics. They are good listeners and will give you feedback and contribute based on their own experiences.



Living in a other country without you knowing anyone will make you resourceful, since you don’t know other people you are all by yourself. Traveller tends to discover things without the help of others.



Being mindful to other culture is one the most important traits of Traveler. People who already travelled outside their comfort zone are very cautious so they tend to be flexible in anything.



Travelling makes you realize that your relationships with people are your most treasured possessions and find yourself feeling overwhelming gratitude for the support system in your life.

Now ask yourself this, if given the chance to travel, would you have declined the offer? The opportunity to travel is not easy to get, there could be a lot of reasons that would hinder you from traveling to begin with, so practically speaking, the answer would be in the affirmative. You will learn.  A lot. What more if the reason you’re going out of the country were for education? Most schools that offer programs for international students usually have everything prepared for you like helping you budget by giving you a fixed amount to spend, providing for your board and lodging, anditinerary. Additionally, there are a lot of agencies that offer promos and discounts for your travel plans.

So, hop on a plane, visit a new place, and get in an adventure, there is nothing for you to lose.


Bhutan: The Happiest country in Asia

Bhutan: The Happiest country in Asia

In terms of actual happiness, Bhutan is the happiest country in Asia and ranks eighth in the world, despite widespread poverty and illiteracy. Public education in Bhutan is free and the language of instruction is English.


Bhutan, renowned world-wide for pioneering the concept of “Gross National Happiness” as an alternative to the internationally used concept“Gross National Product”, is a country Located in the Eastern Himalayas, bordered by China in the north and India in the south.


IACE’s Management Team (From L-R) Director Aries B. Balanay, CEO Susana Balanay and Account Manager Regie Boquio, pictures taken in the welcome arch entering Thimpu City.

Known as “The Last Shangri-La”, “Last place on the Roof of the World” and the “Land of the Thunder Dragon”, Bhutan residents preserve their country’s immaculate culture and natural environment by exercising a guarded and restrictive policy on tourism wherein they carefully guide and introduce their ways of living to their visitors.

IACE's team together with IACE's alumnus Mr. Tsheten Wangchuk of National Statistics Bureau, Royal Government of Bhutan.

IACE’s team together with IACE’s alumnus Mr. Tsheten Wangchuk of National Statistics Bureau, Royal Government of Bhutan.

The people are required to wear their national costume – Men wear the Gho, a knee-length robe somewhat resembling a kimono that is tied at the waist by a traditional belt known as Kera, whilst Women wear the Kira, a long, ankle-length dress accompanied by a light outer jacket known as a Tego with an inner layer known as a Wonju.

Typical Sunday activities to Bhutanese men gathering in their stadium to play archery

Typical Sunday activities to Bhutanese men gathering in their stadium to play archery

During daylight hours and while playing their national sport, which is a form of archery wherein rival teams face each other across a field, and fire sharp arrows at one another, while each team waves its arms to distract their opponents

Work Environment: 10 Rules of Power

Work Environment: 10 Rules of Power

Have you ever stumbled upon The 48 Rules of Powerby Robert Greene and Joost Elffers? If not, then you are missing a lot. Most of them are self-explanatory but I handpicked rules that made it to the top 10. I consider them really vital to be always remembered.


Law 1 Never Outshine the Master – This isa secret that most arrogant people cannot do towards the people above them. In order for you to gain strength, you must humble yourself. Let you superiors take the upper position and feel pride in themselves.


Law 4 Always Say Less than Necessary – Less is always better. Never go beyond what is necessary or you will appear common and boring. People will listen to you more if you say less, but keep the “less” as full and interesting as it can be.


Law 5 So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard it with your Life – We live in a world where one’s reputation matters. Consider yourself as a celebrity and feel conscious that eyes are always on you. Always be careful of your actions and guard your reputation. People will love you for the 9 things you get right but would despise you for a single mistake.


Law 8 Make other People come to you – use Bait if Necessary – Use your power to allure people and use their strengths to their full potential. It is a wise move.


Law 10 Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky – Be involved with people who are optimistic and motivating. Eliminate the toxic things. They will spoil everything.


Law 26 Keep Your Hands Clean – As much as possible, avoid mistakes. As what was explained in Law 5, people will despise you for a single mistake. Always give it your best shot and aim to impress people. Shock them.


Law 29 Plan All the Way to the End – PLAN. PLAN. PLAN. THEN WORK. Planning should consist 80% and the working should be 20%. There is no room for mistakes. Life will throw you opportunities that would require you to give a one-shot, big-shot move. Plan all the way until the end. Prepare for a sweet ending. 9And reward yourself for a job well done)


Law 30 Make your Accomplishments Seem Effortless – Never show people that you have worked so much and had a hard time, impress them by the quality of your output, make it seem effortless that you were able to accomplish such a beautiful work. Make your 2-day project seem like you’ve finished it in 3 hours.


Law 35 Master the Art of Timing– Timing is everything.Time management is the key to being successful.


Law 47 Do not go Past the Mark you Aimed for; In Victory, Learn when to Stop – Never be blinded by the One Ring. Never be blinded by power. Sometimes when you’re at the top, you never want to go down, you never want to stop, but to be truly successful, always know when to stop.

Effective Leadership

Effective Leadership

What does it take to be an effective leader? Oftentimes, we take the responsibilities of being a leader for granted. Everyone can be a leader, but not everyone is an EFFECTIVE one. There is a difference. Leading teams and guiding the members, effective leaders also play the role of being a mentor.

However, there are 3 things that aspiring effective leaders can do as a preliminary means to attain this goal they are after:


Strengths and weaknesses – This is one of the most important things as people always gets subjective and defend themselves. Being humble and knowing you don’t know EVERYTHING takes guts. Consequently, improving on one’s strengths contributes greatly to one’s growth. Once you finish self-assessment, you now get to know your team’s strengths and weaknesses. You wouldn’t assign a task related to finance to a person who doesn’t specialize in it. You may however, go out of the box and break the rules, but in the corporate world, you must take things carefully so as not to sabotage everyone’s work.


Communication – How can you function in work without proper communication? As a leader, you must address questions and be ready to answer questions. You must be vocal to the common goal. As the famous quote goes: Communication is the key to understanding. The leader must be reminded that the spotlight is not always on him, he must also be open to what the members have to say and be fair in treating their opinions. No room for personal issues in work. Stay professional when communicating.


Passionate – You’re the parent and therefore, you must be responsive to your children’s needs (In this case, the ones working with you). People will remember you more if you’ve been good to them. Train your members really well and you will not only get the goal you are reaching for, but you are also making the best people out of themselves. That is an achievement beyond words.

In order to be an effective leader, you must be willing to endure all the hardship and difficulty, everything good will follow after.

“There is ALWAYS enough time” (Time Management) 10 Suggested ways of Time Management

“There is ALWAYS enough time” (Time Management)
10 Suggested ways of Time Management

We are living in a fast-paced world. Getting all the things on your list of Things-to-Do (If you keep one) need not be complicated. All you need to do is to manage your time which leads us to the question of HOW? HOW DO WE DO THAT? Surprisingly, many people working in the corporate world do not keep a time table of their activities. It is a crucial one since there are, almost always, a lot of things going on in work.

This is a list of tried and tested ways of Time Management


Keep a planner, time table, calendar of activities, or a list—– They will serve as your guardian angels. You are already working and you don’t want to add burden to yourself by keeping all information in your head. This will also help you keep track of your progress.

Be highly motivated —- Step 1 advised you to keep track of your progress, the more you see how far you’ve gone, the more you’ll be motivated to keep that M word —- MORE.


24 Hours in a day for everyone —– This is what most people don’t remember, each of us have 24 hours in a day. Some utilize it as much and getting more things achieved while others don’t. Be the former.


Prioritize —- Rank your activities. Priority goes to the majority.


Multi-tasking —– The ability to do things at the same time without compromising the quality of your work is the goal. This is one of the secrets to a successful day.


You have to love what you are doing.


You have to love the body you are working with – Take breaks! Leave time for leisure and your hobbies. Don’t leave bonding time with your loved ones behind.


Know the peak time of your performance. Being a night person or a morning person can affect your performance, so seek ways to handle it.


Proper Mindset —Stay positive and don’t sulk over the things that would go wrong along the way or activities you won’t be able to do. Sometimes you have to let go of other activities for much more important ones (Hence, Step 4!!) They should push you to work better and be better.


Start everything right — Be a firm believer that how you begin affects the things that would follow. Start your day right: Pray to your god. Start your day right by eating breakfast, start your day right by dressing nicely, and start your day right by looking forward to how your day will turn out to be.

For more in-depth and scientific knowledge in Time Management, International Academy for Continuous Education is offering courses for professionals and organizations, Kindly visit our website at for more information.

Institutional study visit on Flood forecasting and disaster management for Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan

Institutional study visit on Flood forecasting and disaster management for Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan

An institutional visit on Flood Forecasting, Control Room Operations and Hydrological Services Delivery in the Philippines was conducted by International Academy for Continuous Education (IACE) for the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Royal Government of Bhutan last October 30 until November 4, 2016.

IACE CEO Susana Balanay personally welcomed from the Airport the MoEA, Bhutan led by their Chief of Hydrology Division, Mr. Karma Dupchu

IACE CEO Susana Balanay personally welcomed from the Airport the MoEA, Bhutan led by their Chief of Hydrology Division Deparment of Hydromet Services, Mr. Karma Dupchu

IACE opened the program by introducing and briefing the participants of the activities beginning with the Marikina Flood Early Warning System (Urban Setting). Dr. Jenny Fernando gave an overview of the Community-based Flood Early Warning Systems (CBFEWS), its elements, characteristics and functions. She also discussed the factors influencing the design of CBFEWS, its sustainability, structure and experiences, data and information exchange scheme and other related activities, issues and best practices.

Marikina's MDRRMO Chief Dr. Jenny Fernando personally discussed Marikina's Control Room and Monitoring for Disaster Management

Marikina’s MDRRMO’s Chief, Dr. Jenny Fernando personally discussing Marikina’s Control and Monitoring Room for Disaster Management to MoEA’s institutional study visit participants.

The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA); Hydro-Met and Meteorological Office in Quezon City’s very own Engr. Rosalie Pagulayan and Aldczar Aurelio presented an overview of Flood Forecasting, Flood Forecasting Warning Systems, Monitoring and Prediction, Meteorological Monitoring Networks, Flood and Typhoon Warming Systems, Computer-based Applications for Meteorological Services on the second day.


PAGASA’s Weather Forecaster Mr. Aldczar Aurelio discussing the Typhoon Warning System

PAGASA's Senior Hydrologist Engr. Rosalie Pagulayan explaining the Flood Forecasting Warning Systems of the Agency

PAGASA’s Senior Hydrologist Engr. Rosalie Pagulayan explaining the Flood Forecasting Warning Systems of the Agency

The PAGASA Field Stations: Pampanga River Basin Flood Forecasting and Warning Center, Main Operations Office in San Fernando, Pampanga and the Candaba Rainfall and Water level Station (Rural Setting), represented by Hilton Hernandez, discussed about its community-based flood early warning systems for river basins including its issues and best practices.

PAGASA Pamapanga Field Station's Head, Mr. Hilton Hernandez, discussing about its community-based flood early warning systems for river basins including its issues and best practices.

PAGASA Pamapanga Field Station’s Head, Mr. Hilton Hernandez, discussing about its community-based flood early warning systems for river basins including its issues and best practices.

The participants met Mr. Edwin Salonga and Ms. Maritess Galang of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council in Quezon City on the third day and were familiarized with the Council’s composition and functions and their Flood Disaster Management Programs.

Mr. Edwin Salonga and Ms. Maritess Galang of the National Disaster Risk Reduction discussing the mandate of the agency.

Mr. Edwin Salonga and Ms. Maritess Galang of the National Disaster Risk Reduction discussing the mandate of the agency.

Participants were also able to get an overview of the Community-based Flood Disaster Mitigation and Management Program in the Province of Bulacan conducted by Engr. Lito Pascual and Carl De Leon of the Bulacan Provincial Disaster Coordinating Office in Malolos, Bulacan. They then visited the Operation and Maintenance of Rainfall, River and Flood Stage Observation Stations and were familiarized to how the Review and Enhancement of Draft Response and Flow of Information Plans was done.

Engr. Lito Pascual and Carl De Leon discussing Bulacan Provincial's Community-based Flood Disaster Mitigation and Management Program

Engr. Lito Pascual and Carl De Leon discussing Bulacan Provincial’s Community-based Flood Disaster Mitigation and Management Program

Mr. Alex Pallada was the resource person for the program’s last activity which was located at the Angat Hydropower Plant (Dam Operations). Mr. Pallada discussed about Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems for Dam Operations.

Mr. Alex Pallada discussing about Angat Hydropower Plant's Dam Operation

Mr. Alex Pallada discussing about Angat Hydropower Plant’s Dam Operation

IACE closed the program by awarding the participants with a certificate. The Head of the team, Mr. Karma Dupchu gave his warmest gratitude to the International Academy for Continuous Education management and staff for the well prepared itinerary.

“Institutional visit was well organized to all the relevant organization what we expected. I am fully enjoyed with all the appointments experts we have met. Flexible approach assisted rendered during our stay here in the Philippines is fully appreciated. I have nothing to recommends, the institutional visit was fully met my expectations.” Mr Karma Dupchu’s Testimonials

IACE CEO Ms. Susana B. Balanay and President Dr. Albert S. Alday together with MoEA's Hydromet Division during the Awarding of Certificate held in IACE (Standing from L-R Mr. Ngawang Namgyal, Mr. Jai Ram, Mr. Tashi Tenzin, Mr. Tshewang Rinzin, and Mr.Pema Wangdi) (Sitting L-R Ms Sangay Choden, IACE CEO Susana Balanay, IACE President Albert Alday and Chief Mr. Karma Dupchu)

IACE CEO Ms. Susana B. Balanay and President Dr. Albert S. Alday together with MoEA’s Hydromet Division during the Awarding of Certificate held in IACE (Standing from L-R Mr. Ngawang Namgyal, Mr. Jai Ram, Mr. Tashi Tenzin, Mr. Tshewang Rinzin, and Mr.Pema Wangdi) (Sitting L-R Ms Sangay Choden, IACE CEO Susana Balanay, IACE President Albert Alday and Chief Mr. Karma Dupchu)

The Importance of Continuous Education

The Importance of Continuous Education

Learning NEVER stops. May it be learning from school or learning from the resources around us. There is no limit to what you can learn, in fact, there is so much to learn that you can spend your every second of your day on and still realize that there is never enough time! There is never enough reading and knowing. Obtaining a college degree is one of the most fulfilling achievements for a person. But again, just for emphasis, you might want to read the first 3 words of this article. IT NEVER STOPS.

Painting: The Death of Socrates

Painting: The Death of Socrates

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”


As ironic as that Socratic quotation sounds, it is the secret of every successful person. The hunger for more information and pursuance of studies after formal schooling can be beneficial to persons who are success-driven and competitive.

It is an investment that you will never regret, because what you learned can never be taken away from you. The correlation is, the more time you spend on learning, the more successful you will be. But of course, learning shouldn’t just be confined in your amazing brain, it should be applied and used in action.

IACE's Print Ads

IACE’s Print Ads

The very fact that you are reading this article already proves that you are interested to learn more (in this case, about the importance of continuing education) and THAT is already step one to being the best version of yourself: The desire to know more about something will get you anywhere.

Continuous education is a tool that could help you be that successful person. It will arm you with skills and trainings necessary for your intellectual and personal growth. Gaps would be filled and questions would be answered. You would be updated between the current details and the new ones.


The myth about the brain’s capacity of average usage of 10% should even help you endeavor to learn more. Imagine what you can do if you use the remaining 90? Success comes with different opportunities and benefits, so overall, engaging in continuous education really is a guaranteed winning situation for you.



IACE Founding President – Dr. Albert S. Alday

The Founding President of International Academy for Continuous Education (IACE)

A man who wears many hats, Dr. Albert S. Alday, “ASA” to his corporate colleagues and “Albert” to his bossom buddies, is armed with more than fifteen (15) years of solid experience in the field of education where he has served as Executive Assistant to the Dean, Associate Professor, College Secretary and later as both Medical School Registrar and University Registrar at the University of Perpetual Help Rizal JONELTA Foundation School of Medicine and the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Las Piñas Campus.

ELLM graduates 2012, from left to right: Albert S. Alday, Marini Sulaeman, Jeffrey Gitto, Thomas Schubert (Photo Credit:

ELLM graduates 2012, from left to right: Albert S. Alday, Marini Sulaeman, Jeffrey Gitto, Thomas Schubert (Photo Credit:

His impeccable educational background gives us a foretaste of the kind of educational administrator he was bound to become.  Having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, cum laude, in three and a half years from the University of the Philippines where he was inducted to the prestigious Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in Social Science and The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, he embarked on a sojourn in medicine at the same university but realized soon that he had a different kind of calling.  Thereafter, he pursued a degree in law where he juggled time between his professorial duties and law studies while at the same time commencing a straight Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysics program.  He finished the said doctorate at the American College of Metaphysical Theology in Minneapolis, Minnesota, earning him a promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.  Because of his outstanding work in his Doctoral thesis, entitled “Soulmates: An Omnipresent Perspective”, he was bestowed the title of Fellow of the American College of Metaphysical Theology. On a different note, he placed tenth (10th) in the Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination in 2006. Several years later, he earned a Master of Laws in International Business Law at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA where he became part of the inaugural graduating batch under a scholarship given to him by his grand aunt.

A consistent honor student from elementary (Valedictorian) to high school (Salutatorian), he was a recipient of numerous academic and leadership awards, the most significant of which were as Champion of the National Rizal Essay Writing Contest (High School Division) given by the Knights of Rizal and as St. Bro. Miguel Leadership Awardee for Arts and Letters (High School).

Dr. Albart S. Alday together with IACE alumnus Mr. Karma Dupchu Chief/Dy of Hydromet Division Ministry of Ecomic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan and IACE CEO Ms. Susana B. Balanay

Dr. Albart S. Alday together with IACE alumnus Mr. Karma Dupchu Chief/Dy of Hydromet Division Ministry of Ecomic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan and IACE CEO Ms. Susana B. Balanay

He is currently a Director of the Rotary Club of Manila, the First in Asia, a Past Commissioner and Past Director for Business of the Junior Chamber International Makati and Past Secretary of the Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines Makati.  He was likewise a former Political Consultant to former BUHAY Party List Representative Christian Señeres and his business interests include being Chairman of the Board of FLYHIGH Manila, an events company which organizes events for flight attendants.

Dr. Albert S. Alday together with the members of the Rotary Club of Manila

Dr. Albert S. Alday together with the members of the Rotary Club of Manila

The Birth of International Academy for Continuous Education (IACE)

The Birth of International Academy for Continuous Education (IACE)

The idea of establishing a portal of learning geared towards the field of Executive Education has long been in the mind of accomplished educator Albert Alday, an academician with more than fifteen years of experience in molding students towards the realization of their dreams and aspirations tucked under his career portfolio, the last few years of which were divided between teaching and school administration.  Armed with two (2) graduate degrees at posh institutions of learning in the United States of America, namely, a Master of Laws from the Boston University School of Law in Boston, Massachusetts and a Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysics from the American College of Metaphysical Theology in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he developed a keen interest in reinventing the way Executive Education is administered and taught in the Philippines.  Determined and possessing an unwavering resolve for excellence aside from being exposed to various cultures from his experiences as member of the Junior Chamber International Makati and the Rotary Club of Manila.

IACE Founding President Dr. Albert S. Alday

IACE Founding President Dr. Albert S. Alday

Dr. Alday immediately gathered the brightest of minds whose fidelity to the mission of providing quality adult learning have become their continuing legacy to the people of the world.  A proverbial meeting on the first day of June 2015 will go down in the pages of Philippine education as the rebirth of Executive Education in the archipelago.  Thus, the International Academy for Continuous Education was given the gift of life behind the acronym IACE.

IACE CEO Susana Balanay together with BOD (L-R) Jenner Amora, Dianica Delos Reyes, Gina Boquio, and Atty Carlo Ybanez

IACE CEO Susana Balanay together with BOD (L-R) Jenner Amora, Dianica Delos Reyes, Gina Boquio, and Atty Carlo Ybanez


The organizational stages of a reinvented way of learning for professionals quickly found the light of dawn as within a span of less than fifteen days, the school was granted corporate existence by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on June 15, 2015.  Soon thereafter, Dr. Alday became its Founding President and the academy’s date with destiny found its chartered course towards global relevance.  Located at the heart of a bustling city within a few kilometers of the border of the City of Manila and Quezon City, the academy stands on a three floor site conveniently below a dormtel which likewise serves as quarters for its prospective students, foreign counterparts have, thus, began to show interest in the unique set up of the institution by indicating their intentions to send their nationals to experience their respective rebirths in their careers through the various diplomatic representations in the Philippines, making the academy a melting pot of different facets of adult education all over the world and thus, enriching the experience of its students.

IACE Front Desk

IACE Front Desk

Today, more than ever, with an array of programs tailor-suited to meet the demands of industry from all over the world, the academy remains firm to its commitment of developing the individual as professional to fulfill his or her aspirations of being an academically-oriented, industry-competent and excellence-driven human being ready to face the challenges of a changing global workplace.

IACE students from the Royal Government of Bhutan

IACE students from the Royal Government of Bhutan

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