Bicol Express: The Spicy Filipino Food

Bicol Express: The Spicy Filipino Food

To all the spicy food lovers:


Have you ever tried pork cooked in coconut milk with shrimp paste and chilies? It must be your first time to hear that if you’re not Filipino. That dish is famously called Bicol Express, and is called as such because it originated in the Philippine region, Bicol, wherein Coconuts are abundant and the use of chilies is emphasized in most local meals.

Here is a simple recipe, adapted from that you can try at your own home so you can get a taste of the famous Bicol Express of the Philippines.

Bicol Express Recipe

  • Preparation time: 5 mins
  • Cook time: 55 mins
  • Total time: 1 hour
  • Author: VanjoMerano
  • Cuisine: Filipino Recipe
  • Serves: 6


  1. 3 cups coconut milk
  2. 2 lbs pork belly, cut into strips
  3. ½ cup Shrimp Paste
  4. 1 tbsp Garlic, minced
  5. 6 pieces Thai chili or Serrano pepper
  6. 3 tablespoons minced ginger
  7. 1 medium onion, minced
  8. 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  9. Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Heat a pan and then pour-in the cooking oil.
  2. Sauté the garlic, onion, and ginger
  3. Add the pork and then continue cooking for 5 to 7 minutes or until the color becomes light brown
  4. Put-in the shrimp paste and Thai chili or Serrano pepper. Stir.
  5. Pour the coconut milk in. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 40 minutes or until the pork is tender
  6. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste
  7. Serve Hot. Enjoy!

(Bicol Express: The Filipino Spicy Food)

Choosing the Right Career

Choosing the Right Career

Career Concept

Find out what career is fit for you truly matters. To be able to do it, you should know talents, interests, values and personality.  Keep in mind what you’re good at and use it to decide a specific career for you. If the career fits these criteria, you will be satisfied with your work.

Have own decision and preference in your career. Ignore people who tell you what work you should do.


What you need to do is to assess yourself. Online resources can help you choosing which career you should choose. Also, better choice is made with the advice of career development professional. Have a list of careers you are interested and learn about it. Through research, you can have enough basic information with what kind of work is involved in varied careers.


Once you eliminate careers you don’t want to pursue any further, you can conduct informational interviews with people who have knowledge about career you consider.

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Many people change their minds about their career. It is normal to quit when you know you’re in the wrong spot. This is to continuously find your right spot. So better think several times until you are satisfied. Also, know your short and long-term goal. Apply an internship with the career you want for so long so that you will know if you’re really happy about it. Having real-life experience in the work environment where you think you want to work can help make up your mind.


Consider time and know where you will enjoy fulfilling your aspirations in life. Your passion with what you’re doing is the most important thing to keep you contented even through tough times of your career.

Developing Self-Trust

Developing Self-Trust

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” ― Michel de Montaigne

Trusting yourself will get you anywhere because you can achieve anything. One must stop pleasing others and just learn to appreciate the potential in you.


We develop self-trust by honoring our own selves, instead of bringing ourselves when we commit mistakes.


With this, it is also essential that we learn to choose the people who can help us and we distance ourselves from people who undermine our self-trust. Stick with the people who will help you identify your unloved parts and veer away from the toxic people.

Self-trust can be developed by nurturing our innermost thoughts. It is a duly established fact that we cannot control all the things happening around us, so the way to deal with them is to acquaint our minds to optimism.


We develop self-trust by honoring every facet of our being, regardless of whether we approve or disapprove of that part of us.

To gain self-trust is to listen to our innermost guidance, rather than be dictated by the never-ending negative thoughts.


Just as Golda Meir said, “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”

Institutional Visit of JDWNRH, Bhutan for Hospital Administration and Management

Institutional Visit of JDWNRH, Bhutan for Hospital Administration and Management

An institutional study visit for Strategic Management for Hospital Administration and Management was successfully conducted by the International Academy for Continuous Education for the officers of the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH) from Royal Kingdom of Bhutan last January 30 to February 4, 2017.

The JDWNRH is the apex institution of Bhutan in delivering health care services in the country. It caters to the population of Thimphu Dzongkhag and also the non-referred patients from neighboring Dzongkhags and referred cases from the 20 Dzongkhag hospitals.

The study visit consisted of a series of lectures conducted by Dr. Juan Pablo Nanagas, a prominent Ophthalmologist, former Director of the biggest government training hospital in the country The Philippine General Hospital, Dr Nanagas is also a former Undersecretary of the Department of Health during the term of Sec. Juan M. Flavier.

Delegates from JDWNRH together with Dr. Juan Nanagas

Delegates from JDWNRH together with Dr. Juan Nanagas

The participants from JDWNRH; Human Resource Officer Rekha Monger, Administrative Officer Dema Dorji, Planning Officer Ugyen Tshering, and Mr. Narayan Acharya, visited St Luke’s Hospital where they were able to view the rooms for the patients.

JDWRNH together with IACE Director Aries Balanay in front of St. Luke's Hospital

JDWRNH together with IACE Director Aries Balanay in front of St. Luke’s Hospital

During the hospital trip in St. Lukes the team was divided into three groups and had a session with their respective departments, Human Resource Officer Rekha Monger had a one-on-one meeting with St. Lukes HR head, and was introduced to the St. Lukes HR Department’s structure and process flow.

Human Resource Officer Rekha Monger together with St. Lukes HR Department Head

Human Resource Officer Rekha Monger together with St. Lukes HR Department Head

Administrative Officer Dema Dorji and Planning Officer Ugyen Tshering were given a lectures about St. Luke’s strategic plan and for 2020 and their nursing care management.

Administrative Officer Dema Dorji and Planning Officer Ugyen Tshering together with the officers of St. Lukes Nursing Care Department

Administrative Officer Dema Dorji and Planning Officer Ugyen Tshering together with the officers of St. Lukes Nursing Care Department

Mr. Narayan Acharya met with the St. Luke’s Finance Department and introduce to the office’s Finance Information Management System.


The Instituional Study Visit in St. Lukes hospital ended up with hospital tour showing the delegates from JDWNRH St. Lukes’ state-of-the-art equipment and introducing the team to the different heads of their department.

JDWNRH delegates visited "hotel" like atmosphere room of St. Lukes Hospital

JDWNRH delegates visited “five-star hotel” like atmosphere room of St. Lukes Hospital



JDWRNH Delegates visited the hyperbaric chambers of St. Lukes hospital


JDWNRH delegates visited the Cyclotron Deparment of St. Lukes Hospital

JDWNRH delegates visited the Cyclotron Department of St. Lukes Hospital

JDWNRH also visited the second biggest government hospital in the Philippines, The East Avenue Medical Center completed the training as it presented the Philippine’s hospital setting handled in the public sector.

East Avenue Management Team together with JDWRNH delegates

East Avenue Management Team together with JDWRNH delegates

East Avenue Medical Center Finance Team together with JDWNRH delegates

East Avenue Medical Center Finance Team together with JDWRNH delegates

The participants were able to reach their objectives of knowing how the hospitals in the Philippines operate, Human resource management and administration, accounting and finance, and sales and marketing.

The 5 day training ended up with awarding of Professional graduate level certificate for Strategic Management for Hospital Administration awarded by IACE’s President Dr. Albert Alday and CEO Susana B. Balanay

“The practical session of hospital and field visit combined with the theoretical knowledge were very aptly customized and tailored to the training needs of the participants. It was a good learning experience.” Rekha Monger

Institutional Study Visit for Industry Information Management System

International Academy for Continuous Education conducted an Institutional Study Visit for Industry Information Management System for Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.  

The International Academy for Continuous Education (iACE) recently conducted an institutional study visit on Industry Information Management System last January 26, 2017 to February 2, 2017, for the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Department of Industry (MOEA) from the Royal Government of Bhutan.

The MOEA’s Department of Industry is responsible for the promotion and regulation of large and medium scale industries and FDI enterprises covering the industrial sector classified broadly under manufacturing and services. Additionally, the department also possesses responsibility in fostering sustainable industrial development in harmony with national objectives and priorities for the Kingdom of Bhutan.

National Economic and Development Authority Visit


The participants were introduced to the Philippines’ National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the country’s premier socio-economic planning body highly regarded as the authority in micro-economic forecasting policy analysis and research, where they learned about its Inter-organizational structure and responsibilities. The NEDA’s representative talk about the Agency’s mandate and flagship project regarding Information Systems


MOEA’s delegates with NEDA’s representatives

Department of Information and Communications Technology Visit


For their second visit, they were able to know about the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s (DICT) database building and storage processing. The department also discussed their several undertaking including Juan Konek Project, a Free Public Wi-Fi covering the whole country and other Government to Citizens Projects. The delegates had a chance to meet the Minister/Secretary Atty. Rodolfo Salalima and other officials.


DICT’s Secretary/Minister and official from L-R Undersecretary Eliseo M. Rio, (MOEA) Mr. Trashi Younten, Ms. Dechen Choden, DICT Secretary/Minister Atty. Rodolfo Salalima, (MOEA) Ms. Sonam Tshomo, Mr. Tashi Wangdi, (IACE) Director Aries Balanay, and DICT’s Assistant Secretary Atty. Carlos Caliwara

Department of Trade and Industry’s Bureau of Investments


A visit in the Philippine Board of Investments, an attached agency of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the lead government agency responsible for the promotion of investments in the Philippines, gave them ideas about BOI’s Information Management Systems and Invest Philippines Project- a project of the government to boost the foreign direct investment of the country.


Manila City Hall


Aside from the National Agencies, the delegates also visited one Local Government Unit to check on the ease of doing business in the country. They had a chance to visit the country’s National Capital Region, Manila City under Business Permit Licensing Office, they were gladly welcomed by the head of the said department and explained the department’s process work flow.


MOEA’s Delegates together with (IACE) Director Aries Balanay, CEO Susana Balanay, (MOEA) Ms. Dechen Choden, Manila City Coucilor Joel T. Villanueva, (MOEA) Ms. Sonam Tshomo, (MOEA) Mr. Tashi Wandi, (MOEA) Mr. Trashi Younten, and Councilor Villanueva’s Chief of Staff

Philippine Statistics Authority Visit


MOEA’s delegates together with the PSA’s officials and IT Department

Lastly, they visited the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) wherein they were graced with PSA’ s concept of “Trade for growth, growth for trade” and were introduced to CountrySTAT, a web-based system that integrates national food and agricultural statistical information to ensure harmonization of national data and metadata collections for analysis and policy making. PSA’s Interactive Statistical Databases and updates on the economic and financial data of the Philippines including the Industry Information System of the country.

The 8-day study visit ended with the awarding of  professional graduate-level certificate in Industry Information System, awarded by IACE CEO Susana Balanay and President Albert S. Alday. The delegates were very satisfied and IACE team were given a high rating assessment by the MOEA’s team.


Photo together with MOEA’s delegates and IACE officials Standing from L-R Senior ICT Associate Mr. Trashi Younten, Industries Officers Mr. Tashi Wangdi, (IACE) President Dr. Albert S. Alday, (IACE) Director Aries B. Balanay, (IACE) Senior Training Coordinator Mr. Regie Boquio, Sitting from L-R Senior Administration Assistant Sonam Tshomo, (IACE) CEO Susana Balanay and Industries Officers Dechen Cheden.

“The study visit was useful and informative. The team, especially myself learned many new things which I am going to take back home and try to use and implement it. Hope to attend similar visit next time. Good Luck to IACE Team!!!” – Dechen Choden

Overcoming Fears

Overcoming Fears


Fear is an emotion experienced in anticipation of some pain or danger. It exists in our minds and manifests through our actions. It is truly a challenge to overcome your fears.


What you need to do first is to identify your fears. Though it may seem obvious, you have to know it exactly to give a point of reference and something to focus dealing with. Either talk about it with someone or do ‘self-talk’. Denying or ignoring them doesn’t make them go away.


Do an action to defeat your phobias. Exposure to your fear may slowly help you overcome your fear. For example, if you’re scared of spiders, watch films relating to the creepy crawly. In this exposure therapy, you can be used to seeing it instead of avoiding your fears.


Face your fears by doing it over and over again. Have the courage to try riding a roller coaster to conquer fear of heights. Have the courage to try and learn swimming to defeat fear of drowning. Have the courage to join speeches or declamation to overcome fear of public speaking.

Some people may have hurtful experiences in the past making them afraid of romantic commitments. Some just have fear of rejection because they have so many doubts about themselves.


Fear causes stress in us. We shouldn’t let negativity and remove mental imprints of negative experiences permanently. Relax the mind because the more we think of our fear, the more we see it as a threat to us. The best thing that can happen once we surmount our fears is to gain confidence and be a new person we didn’t expect to be.

Study Smart

Study Smart

Studying sometimes is difficult. Students have homeworks, projects, reports, presentations and exams to study for. Aside from these, students have other activities in their personal and social lives.


Understanding concepts and learning new ideas are the ways we learn. We should organize these ideas to make it easier for us to recall instead of cramming last minute.


There are learning strategies we can use. In memorizing, we can simply stare at our notes for several minutes.  Using acronyms and other mnemonics are tools to make information retain faster in our mind. We can learn same information in different ways. It means it can be by reading your notes from class, textbook, online resources or teach someone about what you’ve learned to make you more familiarize.


Study a bit of different subjects everyday instead on focusing to just one subject. Schedule review intervals to make information long-term in the memory.


Another useful strategy is to sit in front of the class. It can make you attentive to class since you are in front of the teacher. Your concentration will improve as well.


Have a study break rather than tiring yourself all day. It can best help you to avoid using phone or computer which will just distract your study schedule.  To keep you motivated, you can reward yourself after you get a good result of your exam.


Most importantly, have a healthy lifestyle. Drink at least eight glasses a day. Exercise at least three times a week. Get enough sleep for at least eight hours. In this way, you will not only have a healthy body but a strong mind.


Focus on your learning goals, not on trying to reach a certain grade. Enjoy studying without putting pressure on yourself so much. We must remember that education is not about getting high grades but about learning and contributing effectively to the society someday.

Top 5 Quick New things to try in the Philippines

Top 5 Quick New things to try in the Philippines

Another new year has come and most of us are looking forward to new activities to do. For those living in the city, here is a list of easy and quick things to do for you this year.


  1. Mystery Manila Harry Potter theme – Embark on an adventure by solving a mystery with 6 of your friends in the theme of the wizardry world of Harry Potter for only Php 400.00/person at Mystery Manila – Ayala Malls the 30th You may book through their website, They also have other packages for different number of persons:

2 Pax – 550 PhpPer Head
3 Pax – 500 PhpPer Head
4 Pax – 450 PhpPer Head
5 Pax – 400 PhpPer Head
6 Pax – 400 PhpPer Head


  1. The Yard – If you like chilling in food places at night, then The Yard, with over 30 stalls to choose from, located at 83 Xavierville Ave, Quezon City, Metro Manila should definitely be part of your list. They are open from 4PM until 12 midnight.


  1. 4DX Cinema– Experience high-tech motorized recliner seats with 4D glasses that will make feel like you’re inside the movie playing as you will physically feel what’s going on in the film playing, feeling the air blow up your face, smelling the burning building in an action movie, and moving along as if you’re the character in the movie as Ayala malls recently opened another 4D Cinema here in the city. The first one is located at Bonifacio High Street. This new one is located at Uptown Center mall, along Katipunan Avenue. Prepare around P500.00/person and call up the cinemas to check if there are available seats because seats are usually sold out early.


  1. Archery – Want to feel like Katniss Everdeen, Game of Thrones’ Ygritte, or, okay, Daryl of The Walking Dead? Then you better try shooting those arrows at Sagittarium at 37 Scout Borromeo St, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila. Call them up first to inquire and reserve at 576 0774.


  1. Starbucks, Tagaytay– One of the most beautiful Starbucks shop in the country for caffeine lovers. In Manila, frappes and other beverage is usually the most ordered, but you will definitely enjoy the hot beverages offered in Starbucks’ menu in this place.

Miss Universe 2017

Miss Universe 2017 hosted by The Philippines


After 23 years, The Miss Universe, an annual international beauty pageant, will be held once again in the Philippines. It can be traced back that the pageant was held at the Folk Arts Theater, Manila for the first time in 1974 where 65 contestants vied to success the crown of Filipina Miss Universe 1973, Margie Moran of the Philippines.


Exactly two decades later, in 1994, the pageant came back to the country and made the Philippine its host country. The pageant was held on May 20, 1994 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay.


The live broadcast of the competition draws half a million viewers worldwide, including many from the Philippines, according to Miss Universe Organization Vice President Shawn McClain. Thus, wanting to host the pageant in Manila again for its “energetic” and “engaged” fan base. He then signed contracts with Philippine sponsors led by former governor Chavit Singson. Other private sector sponsors are Japanese billionaire and Tiger Resort chief Kazuo Okada and the Philippine’s richest man, who is also the chairman of SM Prime Holdings, Inc, Henry Sy.

BB. Pilipinas Coronation Night

It can also be added that Filipina beauty queen Pia Wurtzbach holds the Miss Universe crown from 2015.

(Miss Universe winners from the Philippines in order: Margie Moran, Gloria Diaz, Pia Wurtzbach)

The 65th Miss Universe coronation will be aired live on ABS-CBN Channel 2 on January 30, 2017 Monday 8 a.m. (Manila time).
The 65th Miss Universe Itinerary and Schedule of events are as follows:
*Updated after visits to Albay and Iloilo were cancelled due to the effects of Typhoon Nina

Jan 12-14: Arrivals, Fittings and Registration
Jan 14: Group taping in Boracay, arrival of last contestants
Jan 15: Visit to Vigan City – Welcome Event with Terno Fashion Show
Jan 16: Governors’ Ball, SMX Convention Center, Manila, 6:30 pm
Jan 17: Parade at Sinulog Festival, Cebu / Swimsuit Fashion Show, Jpark Island Resort and Waterpark, Cebu
Jan 18-19: Visit to Baguio (Street Motorcade), Davao, Batangas (separate groups)
Jan 20: Return to Manila
Jan 21: Fashion Show, SMX Convention Center
Jan 22: Women Empowerment Night, SMX Convention Center
Jan 23: Visit to Malacañang Palace for courtesy call with President Duterte (morning) / National Gift Auction, Conrad Hotel (evening)
Jan 24: National Costume Competition, World Trade Center
Jan 25: Preliminary Interviews (Group 1), Rehearsals
Jan 26: Preliminary Interviews (Group 2),
Jan 26: 65th Miss Universe Preliminary Competition, Mall of Asia Arena: All delegates will compete in Cocktail Dresses, Swimsuits and Evening Gowns; National Costume opening pre-taping
Jan 27-28: On-Camera Rehearsals, MOA Arena
Jan 29: On-Camera Rehearsals, MOA Arena / Final Dress Rehearsal, Mall of Asia Arena, 7-10 pm (to be confirmed)
Jan 30: 65th Miss Universe Live Telecast, Mall of Asia Arena, 8:00 am (Jan 29 at 7 pm EST) / Coronation Gala, 8:00 pm
Jan 31: Departures

Parenting Hacks and Tips

Parenting Hacks and Tips

Parenting is no easy task especially for children defying your requests. Parents always want the best for them starting from toddlers to teens and becoming an adult like them. They should have an ability of controlling their temper. The main goal of parenting is to teach children self-discipline.


Most of the children love race. Make them love their tasks and do it quickly by using a stopwatch or doing a countdown. Build your child’s confidence by letting them show you activities like putting their clothes on or drawing or painting. Praise them whenever they do something great so they would feel good and repeat their performance next time.


Children feel happy when they win a game. However, when they lose, they might feel bad, scream and throw a tantrum. Parents should be able to teach them sportsmanship by talking with them beforehand. By regularly having a conversation with a child reminds him of showing proper behavior.


Make them a bracelet or necklace with parents’ phone number in case a child gets lost in public.


Teach simple household chores like sweeping and turn it into a game for more fun experience for children.

choresAsk your teenage child to clean the room and reward him or her with their favourite food.

Little Boy Lacing his Shoes --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

To get kids to easily learn putting their shoes by themselves, cut a sticker in half and put inside the shoes. Teach them which is left and which is the right shoe.


Make your child love bedtime not only by telling them stories but making their bed cute by decorating it with special designs of their choice.

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