MANILA: One of the Best places to buy Corals & Pearls

For accessories, Manila is one of the best places to buy jewelry. This is almost true for all the women who accessorize.


The Philippines boasts of corals and pearls, which most foreigners have as one of their “must buy” items in Manila. That being said, it is important to avoid buying fake pearls. As enumerated by Pearls of Joy, here are the ways to detect fake pearls:

Pearls are unique. When you look at each pearl on a necklace, the color, shape, size and luster the pearls are not all exactly the same as they were made by nature, each pearl has its individual “personality.”

As to size, fake pearls have no deviations in their size and when examined under a magnifying glass, show no hints of a ring or ridges around the drill hole, it will sometimes give themselves away with a sliver of glass or plastic bead showing visibly at the hole’s edge, where it is strung. While a real pearl often does.
As to color, fake pearls appear to have no difference in color from one pearl to another whereas a real pearl strand will have depth and include a body color and an overtone color.

Fake pearls lack the luminosity of real pearls and don’t reflect light as well. Imitation pearls may look shiny but won’t show depth and true luster.

As to weight, fake pearls feel light, and real pearls are more full and heavy..

One may also do the famous Tooth Test: To find out if a pearl is real, lightly rub it against the front of your tooth. But you must rub it not against the edge so as not to scratch the pearl. If real, natural, or cultured, rather than fake/simulated, the pearl should feel gritty and powdery. Additionally, it must be noted that fake pearls look perfect and can easily be burned.

In the Philippines, most people go to Greenhills Shopping Center for these pieces of jewelry. As what Ms Liz Uy, a famous blogger and fashionista said to Vogue magazine; “Greenhills Shopping Center is insane; you can buy everything from pearls to orchids, local handicrafts to shoes and clothes. If shopping is your thing, please make sure to stop by and haggle for the best price. Also: Beware of fake items!”


People abroad are known to fly to Manila just for these gems from the sea. They are world-famous yet affordable. So, if you’re in Manila, make sure to drop by these jewelry stores.



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